

Lighting is one of the important components of any space. It can be an office, a home, or even our workplace. Are there similar recommended lumens per square foot? yes. We are serious. Lighting plays an important role in creating a regional atmosphere. The situation will improve when you consider the recommended lumens per square foot.Proper lighting plays a crucial role in many aspects. A person’s mood, aesthetics, and productivity can all be improved through lighting. But one thing you must understand is the amount of light. There is a certain amount of perfect lumens. This depends on many factors, such as size, intent, and the amount of light already …

スペースに合わせて平方フィートあたりのルーメンを選択してください もっと読む »


The color of the light reflects the hue of the illuminating light. For example, if you want warm light and shadow, select a lower light temperature. As you know, when the temperature of sunlight is higher than that of cold white light, it becomes brighter. Therefore, there is a significant difference between cold white light and sunlight. You can conclude that sunlight is brighter than cold light. However, do not consider cold white light that produces dim light. Cold white light is brighter, but not stronger than daylight bulbs. Conclusion: The comparison of light is usually based on brightness. This is the best factor to use when comparing cold white …

冷たい光と暖かい光ではどちらが明るいですか? もっと読む »

LED 投光器の屋外使用期間はどのくらいですか?

How do you know when an LED light is going bad? LED solar outdoor flood lights have become increasingly popular for lighting large outdoor spaces. However, it can be challenging to recognize the signs when an LED light goes terribly. Generally speaking, indicators that LED solar flood lights outdoors are going bad include flickering or uneven light output, dimming or discoloration of the bulb, buzzing noises coming from the morning, and slow light response times. Additionally, LED solar flood lights may start to emit an unpleasant smell when they are in the process of burning out. If any of these indicators are present, it is crucial to replace the outdoor …

LED 投光器の屋外使用期間はどのくらいですか? もっと読む »

UFO ハイベイ ライト メーカー トップ 10

List of LED High Pole Lamp Manufacturers There are many manufacturers of LED high pole lamps, but we will only discuss the top ten manufacturers. Conlet This is one of the top LED high pole lamp manufacturers. The quality of these lamps is the best. If you visit their website, you will see two models of high mast lights. Both variants are excellent. You can buy what you need. In addition, they have the highest power intensity lamps. These lamps don’t melt easily. You can change the light bulb regularly. This is because they use high-quality components in lighting circuits. Therefore, these components can last for a long time. Therefore, …

UFO ハイベイ ライト メーカー トップ 10 もっと読む »


LED street lights are becoming increasingly common as municipalities and other entities strive to reduce energy consumption. Street lights are an important component of any city or town. They let people see where they are going and ensure their safety at night. According to Chinese LED street lamp manufacturers, not all street lamps are equal. Some lights are brighter and last longer than others. What’s the difference? More importantly, how can we improve the quality of LED street lights? Learn more in this blog post. Why are LED street lights becoming more and more popular? There are good reasons why LED street lights are becoming increasingly popular. LEDs are more …

LED街路灯の品質に影響を与える要因は何ですか? もっと読む »


If your contractors get the value for money, they will know your schedule. They will know what environment they are working in and how best to install your lighting project while minimizing interference. Make sure they are aware of the midnight shift and explain to them that all equipment and materials need to be cleaned before opening the door in the morning.


Alzheimer’s disease is a terrible fate for anyone. Millions of new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. Millions of friends, relatives and loved ones have been affected by watching someone they once knew seemingly disappear from this world. We all know that the most notorious symptom of Alzheimer’s is memory loss, for which there is currently no cure. But other symptoms of Alzheimer’s, which manifest alongside memory loss, may be the most difficult to treat successfully. People with Alzheimer’s also have depression, anxiety, irritability and sleep problems. These symptoms, along with the gradual loss of memory, make sufferers more lonely, confused and depressed. Fortunately, these symptoms are …

照明とアルツハイマー病患者の関係 もっと読む »


Looking back on the Salk Institute’s LED retrofit project 4 years later. In 2015, the Salk Institute for Biological Studies (La Jolla, CA) invited FSG to design and install a lighting upgrade on its world-renowned research campus. BBIER provided direction and competence to the project, working closely with management and staff to ensure that their lighting and energy saving goals were met without compromising the Institute’s vital work. History of the Salk Institute The Salk Institute is a series of extraordinary buildings designed by Louis Khan. With their strong lines and dynamic angles, the buildings evoke the idea of “frontiers”, which is certainly a phrase to describe the research conducted …

より多くのLEDプロジェクトはどこにありますか もっと読む »
