lumières LED

LED UFO LAMP, wide wattage. and multiple functions.

Choisissez des lumens par pied carré pour votre espace

Lighting is one of the important components of any space. It can be an office, a home, or even our workplace. Are there similar recommended lumens per square foot? yes. We are serious. Lighting plays an important role in creating a regional atmosphere. The situation will improve when you consider the recommended lumens per square …

Choisissez des lumens par pied carré pour votre espace Lire la suite »

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus lumineux, la lumière froide ou la lumière chaude ?

The color of the light reflects the hue of the illuminating light. For example, if you want warm light and shadow, select a lower light temperature. As you know, when the temperature of sunlight is higher than that of cold white light, it becomes brighter. Therefore, there is a significant difference between cold white light …

Qu'est-ce qui est le plus lumineux, la lumière froide ou la lumière chaude ? Lire la suite »

Combien de temps durent les projecteurs LED d'extérieur ?

How do you know when an LED light is going bad? LED solar outdoor flood lights have become increasingly popular for lighting large outdoor spaces. However, it can be challenging to recognize the signs when an LED light goes terribly. Generally speaking, indicators that LED solar flood lights outdoors are going bad include flickering or …

Combien de temps durent les projecteurs LED d'extérieur ? Lire la suite »

Quels facteurs affectent la qualité des lampadaires LED ?

LED street lights are becoming increasingly common as municipalities and other entities strive to reduce energy consumption. Street lights are an important component of any city or town. They let people see where they are going and ensure their safety at night. According to Chinese LED street lamp manufacturers, not all street lamps are equal. …

Quels facteurs affectent la qualité des lampadaires LED ? Lire la suite »

Les choses à faire et à ne pas faire en embauchant un entrepreneur en éclairage

If your contractors get the value for money, they will know your schedule. They will know what environment they are working in and how best to install your lighting project while minimizing interference. Make sure they are aware of the midnight shift and explain to them that all equipment and materials need to be cleaned before opening the door in the morning.

La relation entre l'éclairage et les patients atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer

Alzheimer’s disease is a terrible fate for anyone. Millions of new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. Millions of friends, relatives and loved ones have been affected by watching someone they once knew seemingly disappear from this world. We all know that the most notorious symptom of Alzheimer’s is memory loss, for …

La relation entre l'éclairage et les patients atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer Lire la suite »

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