
So entwerfen Sie die Beleuchtung für einen Basketballplatz

We see basketball courts in schools, communities, and sports fields. What is the lighting plan for the basketball court? The high lever LED floodlights adopted by our basketball courts are suitable for outdoor basketball courts such as backyards, high schools, universities, parks, etc. Halogen lamps and metal halide lamps have long been used as lighting …

So entwerfen Sie die Beleuchtung für einen Basketballplatz Weiterlesen »

Designinspiration für LED-Straßenbeleuchtung

Introduction: No one can ignore the importance of roadway lighting. Especially for people traveling, clear road lighting can improve visibility, reduce the possibility of hazards, and improve safety. With the needs of reality and the advancement of technology, you will find that many areas have begun to introduce LED street lights. In fact, LED roadway …

Designinspiration für LED-Straßenbeleuchtung Weiterlesen »

So entwerfen Sie städtische LED-Straßenlaternen

Introduction: Street lights are lighting facilities that provide the necessary visibility for vehicles and pedestrians on the road at night. Street lights are the “eyes” of the city and play an indispensable role in the process of urban development. Perfect urban street lighting can not only provide a comfortable nighttime environment for people to travel, …

So entwerfen Sie städtische LED-Straßenlaternen Weiterlesen »

So wählen Sie die Golfplatzbeleuchtung aus

Introduction: As golf becomes more and more familiar, more and more people enter the golf course. Therefore, golf course lighting becomes especially important for players and spectators at night. Perfect nighttime golf course lighting is no easy task; there are many factors that must be considered. If you want to light up your golf course, …

So wählen Sie die Golfplatzbeleuchtung aus Weiterlesen »


When I’m in a hurry to leave the house or head straight to the bedroom after falling asleep on the couch, I often (unintentionally) leave the lights on. Sometimes I leave the lights on on purpose if the rest of the family is coming home late or if I’m a bit afraid of the dark …

24/7-LED Weiterlesen »
