So entwerfen Sie städtische LED-Straßenlaternen

Street lights are lighting facilities that provide the necessary visibility for vehicles and pedestrians on the road at night. Street lights are the “eyes” of the city and play an indispensable role in the process of urban development. Perfect urban street lighting can not only provide a comfortable nighttime environment for people to travel, but also ensure traffic safety and improve traffic efficiency. Today, due to the development of LED technology, the era of new street lights has undergone revolutionary changes. LED-Straßenbeleuchtung can reduce energy consumption, be more environmentally friendly, reduce urban light pollution, and provide people with an excellent urban street lighting environment. If you’re interested in urban LED street lighting, start reading!

The importance of urban street lighting

There is no doubt that urban street lighting plays a decisive role in the development of a city. The street lighting system is an important standard for urban development, and the night view of every city is inseparable from the street lighting system. Additionally, street lighting can improve traffic conditions, contributing to improved road capacity and traffic safety.

Setting lighting on urban motor vehicle roads can create a pleasing visual environment for drivers, reduce driver fatigue, ensure driving safety, improve traffic efficiency, and beautify the urban night environment. Setting up lighting on the sidewalk can provide a comfortable and safe visual environment for pedestrians and ensure that pedestrians can see the road conditions clearly. When pedestrians meet, they can recognize the facial features of the opposite person in time, judge their movement intentions, facilitate people’s communication, and effectively prevent criminal activities. Clear road lighting allows drivers to clearly see the movement of other vehicles, thereby understanding the speed and direction of vehicles, and determining the distance between vehicles.


In addition, what elements should be paid attention to in urban street lighting design?
Streets play a vital role in urban economic development, and good street lighting is of great significance to urban economic development. It can not only beautify the city, but also promote economic prosperity. Urban street lighting usually includes traffic main road lighting, commercial street lighting and leisure road lighting. The lighting design of different types of street types is different.

Urban commercial street lighting
The commercial street is a place where people shop and play. Therefore, when designing night lighting, it is necessary to focus on creating a commercial atmosphere to attract consumers to come to shop and spend time. In the lighting design process, dynamic color advertising lighting, static facade lighting, and street lighting can be combined to improve the decoration of commercial street lights.

Urban Leisure Street Light
Leisure roads are places where people rest and walk, and the environment is usually relatively quiet. Therefore, lighting at night should create a comfortable, leisurely and elegant environment. In the lighting design, attention should be paid to the coordination between the lamp shape and the surrounding environment, which can be combined with garden lights, ground lights, flood lights, etc.

urban main street lights
Urban arterial roads have the characteristics of large traffic volume and fast driving speed. The main purpose of main road lighting is to facilitate the driving of motor vehicles at night and ensure safety. Therefore, in the lighting design process, it is not necessary to pursue a gorgeous and complicated design, but to focus on high brightness. You can choose a modern and simple streamlined shape for the shape of the lamp, and pay attention to anti-glare measures.
In addition, urban street lighting is bulky and requires long-term use. Therefore, in the process of road lighting design, safety and energy saving factors should also be fully considered. Adopt scientific and reasonable control methods, use energy-saving lighting products, reduce energy loss caused by road lighting, and achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption.

Why choose LED-Straßenlaternen?
Today, due to the development of LED technology, the era of new street lights has undergone revolutionary changes. More and more LED street lights are used for urban street lighting. The benefits of choosing LED street lighting are discussed below.

Long life and low cost
The best LED street lights last up to 50,000 hours, so you don’t have to change bulbs as often or worry about your LED street light bulbs breaking. This means that when you choose LED street lights, there is no problem in general use for three to five years. Longer service life means lower maintenance costs.

Energie sparen
LED lights are very efficient and consume less energy for the same lighting effect. That’s a good thing for your electricity bill.

Good color rendering
LED street lights have high color rendering. You’ll find that it emits light similar to natural light and can render colors very accurately. This helps pedestrians and drivers to have a clear view of the road. While ensuring driving safety and improving transportation efficiency, it also provides a comfortable and safe visual environment.

Environmental friendly
Outdoor LED street lights are undoubtedly green and environmentally friendly. LED lights do not contain mercury, lead and other elements that pollute the environment, nor do they emit ultraviolet or infrared rays that pose a threat to human health. Green street lighting allows people to enjoy a high-quality, safe and quiet urban road environment. And while protecting the natural ecological environment, it can also bring long-term and good urban development planning.

LED lights emit less heat than another type of traditional lighting. That means it won’t heat up the surrounding area. This is a good thing on a hot summer day. In addition, LED street lighting can provide more precise and brighter light to every corner of the city. It improves visibility, thereby reducing the possibility of accidents and hazards. This could be an excellent way to keep an entire city safe. When you choose LED street lights, you choose safe and green lighting for your city.

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